Grove To Self: Today’s iPhone Clusterfuck Goal In Full-On OutFuckingPerform Status

’iphoneTHE GROVE (Losanjealous):: One of our hundred-dozen field reporters sends in these topical, in-the-moment photos of the overabundance of noontime fools denizens currently serving time outside the Grove Apple Store as they anxiously await the six o’clock hour this iDay.

Key takeaways:

  • People wearing shades dig iPhones, Grove
  • Actual iPhone purchase not guaranteed
  • Free fruitcicle, black umbrella shade guaranteed
  • No line for Sicko matinee


My camera is fucked up could only take a few b/c they were all blown out. No line for Sicko cos it was leaked and now iphoners can watch on their stupid ass phone…


Movie starting. That was the best I could get with my fucked up phone. Apple was handing out water and fruitcicles. The Grove handed out huge black umbrellas for people in the sun.


