Mando Diao Returns to the Troub: Win Tickets

Mando Diao Returns to the Troub: Win Tickets

mando diaoMando Diao will be attacking the Troubadour this coming Tuesday with Pop Levi. Our very own Audree was there to cover the Swedes’ Troubadour show back in May of 2005 (Side note: Holy Good Lord. Have we been around that long? I get the creepiest feeling sometimes that if you dig deep enough into our archives you’ll come across a ticket giveaway for a 1978 Robert Fripp gig with accompanying writeup and photo spread…)

At any rate, we’ve got a pair of tickets to give to one lucky reader. Let us hope and pray the evening once again ends with sweaty, topless nubile bodies all over the Troubadour stage.

Yon Contest Has Now Closed.
Winner Will Be Contacted Shortly.

I caught Mando Diao at SXSW briefly for an acoustic set, upstairs, Buffalo Billiards, Minnesota Public Radio, all of ten people in the room. It was in fact this very gig right here. Listen closely; you just might be able to hear Ron guzzling pure booze between songs.

Finally, Jenn grabbed some recent (albeit clothed) shots of the band at SXSW (here) and Coachella (here).