From Blake’s Phone: The Charred SUV

Every week Blake and readers just like him send me grainy, blurry, sometimes horribly-framed yet always interesting photos of life in Los Angeles as seen through the lenses of their trusted telephones. Every week, never fail. Join us now, won’t you, as we take a look at the latest offerings…From Blake’s Phone.


SUV pulled from the fire

Behind the jump: More photos captured by tiny, moderately shitty lenses in telephones citywide and your submission instructions.


Jajaja (Burbank)


Not sure how craptastic the actual photo is, because I upgraded my crappy Razr for a Blackberry Curve (which I love). But this is what I think makes it craptastic:

1. The dirty windshield.
2. The smog check reminder sticker thingy.
3. The fact that the purpose of the photo (the pumpkin on the building off the of 405) is somewhat easy to miss.
4. The clouds are more fascinating than the pumpkin.


For that Halloween anxiety…


It is all about the integrity.

Have a craptastic cell phone photo that simply must be shared with the readers of From Blake’s Phone? Bring it. Send your photo to for consideration. Include date, time, and model of phone (if applicable).