SXSW 2009 Music Day Panel: There’s Still Lots of Money in Songwriting and Music Publishing

Behold yon South by Southwest Music Conference day panel. Have you ever been a teensy bit curious as to just what-in-hell’s transpiring over at the Austin Convention Center during that time slot you normally have reserved for the first BBQ-band-and-beer of the day? Join Losanjealous Ryan for some eye-opening blather about how one portion of the industry can still generate revenue (and lots of it).

Panel: There’s Still Lots of Money in Songwriting and Music Publishing,
SXSW Music 2009
Jeffrey Brabec, Chrysalis Music Group
Todd Brabec, USC Music Industry Dept/Music Money & Success

DESCRIPTION FROM SXSW: Todd and Jeff Brabec, authors of “Music, Money and Success” present their popular seminar, which includes solid, up-to-date information on where the money is in the music biz.

(Feet courtesy LOSANJEALOUS)