Les Paul, 1915 - 2009

Les Paul, 1915 – 2009

Lester William Polsfuss
“Les Paul”
The Wizard of Waukesha

June 9, 1915, Waukesha, Wisconsin –
August 13, 2009, White Plains, New York

Farewell to a true innovator. I started to compile a comprehensive photo gallery of Gibson Les Paul users (Standard, Epi, Studio, Custom, Artist Sig, the full gamut) from our existing photo library, and quickly realized this would be a task that could take months. Still, see if you can guess who’s who in the collection of Les Paul users captured by our own Sung below. First person to correctly identify eight of the 12 bands and/or performers in the comment section wins a five-CD pack from the Losanjealous music library. (You do still spin CDs someplace, right?) For bonus CD consideration, see if you can correctly identify where the artist is playing…and when. (Sung, you’re not allowed to enter the contest.)

» Les Paul Online (official site) (top image via)
» Gibson Les Paul (official site)