Last Minute Ticket Giveaway: Hit The Lights @ Knitting Factory, Sunday: Last KF Show EVER

Last Minute Ticket Giveaway: Hit The Lights @ Knitting Factory, Sunday: Last KF Show EVER

Hit The Lights @ Knitting Factory Sun Oct 25

File under shame they can’t keep it going. Following Sunday if you want to check out the Knitting Factory you’ll need to be in Boise, Spokane, Brooklyn or, coming soon, Reno. Join us as we bid farewell to the venue and its three stages in the heart of Hollywood.

We have a few pairs of tickets to hand out at this time – and one grand prize winner will win a pair of tickets, free Hit The Lights merch and get to meet and greet the band if so desired (note: hitting the actual lights as you exit the Knitting Factory not included, though who’s to say that doesn’t happen as well). Simply put, if you’ve never been to the Knitting Factory over the last decade, this is your final opportunity. Entry instructions after the jump.

Sunday, October 25th is our final night of presenting the best and worst of local, national and international live musical acts. Three stages in the heart of Hollywood shall be silenced for good. For our final-for-all-time Mainstage show, we present Hit the Lights (irony not included), five pleasant-enough looking boys from Lima, Ohio playing overtly melodic loud guitar music for people who probably won’t order any drinks, and otherwise known to journalists who won’t cover it anyway as ’emo,’ though by this point it’s really something else. Four other bands that do more or less the same thing are also on the bill. Your humble narrator will be on hand to spin the best Halloween music of all time, and if Screamin’ Lord Sutch and the Ghastly Ones seem out of sync musically with the rest of the night, what can I say but at least we have Halloween to look forward to. Besides me spinnin’, (I started here as a DJ before I learned to type), Marc Diamond of the Dwarves will be running sound, as he has for seven years or so, aided by our stage manager John Ramirez, who though he hasn’t been around as long, he’s part of the family anyway. Our security head Cisco will be walking around smiling (he’s moving on to the soon-to-open Knitting Factory in Reno) and a lot of our bartenders, most of whom have been here the entire decade of our existence, will be on hand to pour drinks and say goodbye to their long-time second home; peeps like Shawn, Bryce, Mindy, Pedro, Julio, and Larry, there’s more but I gotta keep this movin,’ showbiz, you know. (SL Duff, KF)

Email me now and include your first and last name for a chance at a pair of tickets. To be considered for the grand prize upgrade, simply tell me your all-time favorite Knitting Factory gig. (If you’ve never been to the KF, simply tell me your all-time favorite gig and describe it as if it took place at the Knitting Factory.)

» Knitting Factory (official site)