Charles Phoenix’s Slide of the Week: BOB BAKER'S HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR! OCT 29 & 30

Charles Phoenix’s Slide of the Week: BOB BAKER’S HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR! OCT 29 & 30

Charles Phoenix Presents Halloween @ Bob Baker Marionette Theater Thu Oct 29
Charles Phoenix Presents Halloween @ Bob Baker Marionette Theater Fri Oct 30

Celebrate Halloween at LA’s legendary Bob Baker Marionette Theater, now in its 50th year. This Thurs & Fri night I’m thrilled to present … BOB BAKER’S HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR! … a vintage puppet show extravaganza starring dozens of bizarre one-of-a-kind marionettes…

Get the back story! …with slides and classic TV and film clips I’ll tell the story of Bob’s unparalleled career, which began in 1932…

Delicious cake and ice cream served in the festive party room will follow the grand finale…a rare performance by the master himself! Your imagination will be inspired and your spirit will soar! And you may even get a little creeped out too!

Click here for TICKETS & INFO

Here’s to Halloween, Bob Baker, and you!

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