Held Over By Popular Demand! L.A. Prostitutes Add Whisky Date Tonight!

Held Over By Popular Demand! L.A. Prostitutes Add Whisky Date Tonight!

L.A. ProstitutesYou do the math: Before we first posted the exciting news of Denmark’s L.A. Prostitutes L.A. debut, they had TWO shows scheduled here in town. They have since added a THIRD SHOW, tonight, Friday Jan. 15, at the WORLD FAMOUS Whisky a Go Go! We are proud to take credit for helping to blow up L.A. Prostitutes.

They say they go on at 7:45 pm. However, the Whisky’s website has L.A.’s own DERAILED listed for 7:45pm. Who will win the covereted 7:45 pm Friday slot at the Whisky? Show up and find out! DERAILED – #5 hit on the search of bands with “derailed” in their name – might have the single greatest band show flyer we have seen yet this decade. Click below to see it in its full size glory.