Is David Bowie Dying? Ryan, an Oklahoman, Reviews Both Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery Full Album Shows

Is David Bowie Dying? Ryan, an Oklahoman, Reviews Both Flaming Lips Hollywood Forever Cemetery Full Album Shows

Here’s the deal, I’ve just been super fucking busy the last couple of days. I mean, I rose at 430am today, drove half an hour and then worked for 13 hours straight doing things I can’t even begin to explain. And so, I haven’t posted the photos from either show. I will get all of Karen’s incredible photos from both nights online for you soon. In the meantime, my written reviews after the jump.

N I G H T   O N E :   T H E   S O F T   B U L L E T I N   R E V I E W :

!   ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! > > > > ? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! 1 !

N I G H T  T W O :  D A R K  S I D E  O F  T H E  M O O N  R E V I E W :

! ? ? ? F U U U U U U U U U U U U H ! !! !!

Photos will be forthcoming.

Finally, they played “Is David Bowie Dying?” the second night, one of their tracks from the Neon Indian collaboration psychedelic “tie-dyed” vinyl EP just put out just a month or two back. I tweeted the title at the time they were playing it, and it set off a miniature shit-storm. I guess a lot of people have no idea the song title exists (or the song, for that matter). Relax, people.

But still and all: Is he? Is He Dying Right Now!?

Are not we all!? Discuss over the weekend and return soon for photos.