Bow and Arrow Train Heist Foiled

Bow and Arrow Train Heist Foiled

ramboA 43-year old Pomona man armed with a homemade bow and arrow was foiled in an attempt to take over a train in Montclair Sunday. How much more old school can you get? You’d need to hold up a stagecoach with a battle axe to top this guy.

I imagine he had his own Pulp Fiction diner conversation right before the heist:

People never rob trains, why not? Bars, liquor stores, gas stations, you get your head blown off stickin’ up one of them. Trains, on the other hand, you catch with their pants down. They’re not expecting to get robbed.

I bet with trains you could cut down on the hero factor.

Correct. Just like banks, trains are insured. The engineer doesn’t give a fuck, he’s just tryin’ to get you out the door. The conductor, forget it, he ain’t takin’ a bullet for the cargo.


A lot of freight on those trains.

A lot of freight.

(He takes out his homemade bow and lays it on the table. He looks at her and she back at him.)

I love you, Pumpkin.

I love you, Honey Bunny.

(Man boards train yelling) Everybody be cool this is a robbery!