Manwhore Named Best Los Angeles Rock Band

Manwhore Named Best Los Angeles Rock Band

L.A.’s Best Last week the 15th Annual Los Angeles Music Awards were, uh, awarded. And the winner of Los Angeles Rock Artist of the Year went to (drumroll) … … … Where the hell’s my drumroll? You didn’t say “please.”–Ed. OK. Drumroll. PLEASE. That’s better.–Ed. (actual drumroll) … MANWHORE. That’s right, MANWHORE is L.A.’s best rock band, according to the Los Angeles Music Awards. Those not familiar with the best rock band in the entertainment capital of the world can visit their website here. Who needs MySpace with HTML skills like that? While you’re there, be sure to sample their hit single “Cake and Cock.”

Lest you doubt the credentials of these “LAMAs” to go around annoiting “bests,” here’s a look at their origins from their website, so you know they’re legit:

The Los Angeles Music Awards were founded in 1991 by Alfred C. Bowman after nearly ten years of successfully operating a small limousine and entertainment company that catered mostly to music industry professionals. From 1982 until 1992, Bowman’s clients included Motley Crue, Ozzy Osbourne, Ratt, Dokken, Bon Jovi, Prince, Madonna, and a host of other celebrities from film and television. Having acted as owner operator of a small fleet of limo’s, Bowman often attended awards shows as part of his clientele’s destinations. For nearly ten years, Bowman attended the Grammy’s, Oscars, AMA’s and other special events as both limo driver and most of the time, a seat filler. By studying these large scale productions first hand, Bowman learned how to structure an awards event.

So catch Manwhore at the Joint or Whisky before they blow up, leap to the national arena circuit and it becomes impossible to see them up close. Just remember it was losanjealous that hipped you to them.