Losanjealous Podcast: Heather Graham Edition

Losanjealous Podcast: Heather Graham Edition

1991!According to the IMDB, Heather Graham will turn 36 this January. You don’t say. For some reason, I thought she would have been closer to 40 already. A dewy, well-maintained near-40. If you figure Drugstore Cowboy is like ’89 and Twin Peaks is ’91, then logic says you’re putting her at about 38, 39 minimum. Throw in Boogie Nights and Austin Powers and it’s clear this girl has crammed a lot of work in her years. Who else can say they bridged guest star spots on Twin Peaks and Arrested Development?

I once saw her at the Sunset Virgin complex. It was a lazy cloudy early fall weekday. Some holiday I think. I was coming down on the escalator from the theater (some shitty indie flick) and she was crossing the patio, in black leggings and zipped hoodie. Coming out of Crunch, I guess. She looked a lot like the other 900 thousand actresses of that general God-graced corporeal endowment on active audition duty throughout town. But her eyes, those eyes, outted her. Something clearly was disconnected in the gaze. You see that look on her in photo spreads and in her characters, but it really was there for a brief flash. Like she’s staring through mere reality, maybe watching a secret show on the back of those baby blues. Can you imagine her sitting in an English lit discussion at UCLA (she was a 2nd year dropout) windowgazing with that look? No? Well I can. That look alone is enough to make you forgive her (rumored–no lawsuits, please) liaisons with Ed Burns and James Woods. Well, maybe not James Woods. Or maybe she was looking into her own future and saw that in 2006 she would return to television with a new ABC show with the unlikely title Emily’s Reasons Why Not. Heather is Emily. From the synopsis in the press kit:

Emily Sanders has many things going for her. She’s young, single, has terrific friends and a great job in publishing. In fact, she’s got the hottest selling book in town. Unfortunately, she’s just closed the chapter on her relationship with the roguishly handsome, two-timing author.

Now a lovelorn Emily must face the fact that the self-described “flutter-flutter” of her heart can’t be considered a trusted compass. However, like any successful professional, Emily has a plan. From here-on-out, she’s going to listen to the “Reasons.” Five “Reasons Why Not” and he’s history. The “Reasons” will not only guide her in matters of love, but life in general. For instance, steering clear of her back-stabbing former assistant, Glitter.

Based on the bestselling novel of one successful single woman’s search for love, this smart and stylish comedy explores life, love and sex in the city from an independent woman’s point of view.

Two words: Golden Globe.

We can’t wait, Heather. But in the meantime, here is a new losanjealous podcast mix.