City Pleads: More Panther, Monkey Advertising

City Pleads: More Panther, Monkey Advertising


As two Oscar contenders are released to the masses, fans and critics alike are lined up demanding more advertising for both vessels in and around the city. Losanjealous investigates a recent crowd at the Grove theatre and reports back with the following:

“That film sucked. Martin basically sucked. The plot sucked. The dialogue sucked. I did not laugh.
That said, I wouldn’t mind seeing more advertising for it around the city.”
-John McAfee, Burbank

“Both are quality films. That’s not the issue,” Seth Chafee, Toluca Lake resident, President, More Fucking Yellow George Ads Council. “We’re simply asking for more signs, more Metro placards, more view-eclipsing billboards in and around the city for both movies. More visibility. In the case of both of these films you really can’t have too much. That’s all we’re asking. It should be simple.”

“Martin is no Sellers. And George is no George. That said, I too would like to see several more billboards for both movies. Show me the Yellow. And Pink.”