We Are All So Very HUNGRY!

We Are All So Very HUNGRY!

You all know our penchant for food around this joint. Courtesy the good folks at Glove Box Guides, we have one copy of the brand-new third edition of Hungry? Los Angeles to give away. The book is a sort of offbeat Zagat guide, sans “ratings” & sans “holy living shitload of quotation marks.” Truly a must-have for the food you want in the area you happen to be.

Here’s the challenge:

How many chiliburgers would Jeff Chiliburger have to consume to beat Intern Shane’s record?

Third correct e-mail sent to HungryIBe@losanjealous.com gets the book. $15 value. Good luck!

UPDATE: You people are some seriously hungry readers. We have our winner. Thank you.

I should also mention that if you don’t win it’s not too difficult to buy your own copy.

Hungry? Los Angeles 3rd edition