Charles Phoenix's Slide of the Week: The Kiss, 1958

Charles Phoenix’s Slide of the Week: The Kiss, 1958

the kiss
The Kiss, 1958

Half open Venetian blinds reveal a dusk or dawn sky. Are Venetian blinds really from Venice? Funny, I never thought to ask myself that question before. The answer is yes! Thank you Italy!

But this slide isn’t about Venetian blinds. Oh no! It’s not even about the warm and inviting honey blond wood paneling, dainty doilies, yellow daisies on black, hand held hankies, mod curtains or the gold anodized aluminum bullet lamp pointing to the curved ceiling above. Not even about the overwhelming fact that this is the interior of a trailer. No. This slide is about makin’ out with grandma!

I loved my grandmas. One was town and the other was country. There names were Geraldine and Kindzetta. Yes, I loved them but I don’t recall kissin’ them like this!

By the way, don’t you just love grandma names?

Here’s to trailer interiors, kissin’ grandmas and you!

Charles Phoenix

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