Make us a Mixtape, Win DJ Shadow Tickets

Make us a Mixtape, Win DJ Shadow Tickets

DJ Shadow

The estimable DJ Shadow brings his 1s and 2s–and a hell of a lot more gear–to town for a pair of shows at the Avalon this Sunday and Monday, September 24 and 25.

And wouldn’t you know it, Losanjealous has pairs of tickets to giveaway readers to the Monday show.

So here’s your challenge to win these hot tickets…

E-mail us the tracklist for one original mixtape of yours.

It can be as many or as few songs as you like. Show off your excellent taste. Maybe it’s an old heartbreak mix or your own soundtrack to the next Zach Braff tour de force. Go nuts. This is not about technical skills and crossfades because we can’t hear it obviously, so shoot for an overall vibe we can get from the song titles. You know how these work. Now pull up your iTunes and crank us out a mix.

The mixes that grab us will take home pairs of tickets to see Shadow. Good luck.

The contest has ended and winners have been notified. Thanks to all that entered. Check out if tickets are available to purchase on our show calendar.