Art Brut @ Troubadour, 4/21/07

Art Brut @ Troubadour, 4/21/07

Art Brut

Art Brut

Art Brut

Art Brut

Art Brut

Art Brut

Art Brut

Quoth Jeremy:

Me: You excited for Art Brut?
Him: Yeah.
Me: How long have you been a fan?
Him: Since my Dad bought me the CD last week.
Me: Cool, cool. So, how old are you?
Him: 13
Me: Oh, wow. I mean, damn, I mean, nice.
Him: I guess.
Me: What do you like about them?
Him: I dont know. Theyre not from around here, so that’s pretty cool. Where are they from?
Me: The UK
Him: Where’s that?
Me: Really? It’s in the south, Lexington I think.

Me: How do you think this show’s gonna go?
Her (With a British accent): Oh, I think it’s going to be pretty great. Ive seen them before, back in England. We’re actually from the same town.
Me: Where’s that?
Her: [inaudible]
Me: Wow, so you have probably seen them many times?
Her: Yeah. Eddie [the lead singer] is hilarious.
Me: So, did you come for the comedy or the music?
Her: The comedy.
Me: Ha, that’s funny.
Her: [Deadpan] What is?

Quoth Ryan:

So Art Brut then. For me, nothing can top the opening act: JERRY SPRINGER at Dan Tana’s Ladies and gentlemen. Shout it with me JER-RY!

Etc. Next Door. Art Brut. Here we all are now. Let the goofy dancing begin! Great night at the troub. Everybody’s in the house. Eddie Argos is a showman. He is here to entertain, and we are enjoying the antics. You get the slightest glimpse of the slab of beef his belly has become through his shirt every so often. It’s more than enough. Argos! Keep the Har Mar Factor in check. He jokes. He keeps everybody excited. He steams up the windows. “Are You Ready, Art Brut!?” signals the beginning of the next song…every single song. About two “Are You Ready Art Brut!!”s into it I started beating him to the draw, but I wasn’t mic’d. As such the effect was lost on all save Victor. One thing is for certain: Eddie Argos is obsessed with something being at the Top of the Pops. He doesn’t really care who or what mind you, but damn it, SOMEBODY’s going to be at the Top of the Pops soon. Art Brut at the Troubadour: Thumbs up.

Quoth V.:

Is that in fact the same elderly gentleman working the Troubadour snack bar? And how can a corn dog be cooked for so long and not become throughly heated? Clearly the laws of thermodynamics are being violated here.