Head Like a Kite @ Cinespace, 5/8/07

Head Like a Kite @ Cinespace, 5/8/07

Head Like A Kite @ Cinespace

Dim Mak parties almost really do feel like the touch of death. Their outdated website tells you to RSVP, you have to wait in line though the place is empty, and even though door guy #1 is checking names, door guy #2 inevitably gives you shit and you end up having to sweet talk your way into getting in at the advertised price, leaving you mentally exhausted before you even get in the place. But nevermind all that. My last Dim Mak experience was atypically enjoyable, all because of two dudes from Seattle who actually give a damn about the art they’re putting out there.

Head Like a Kite (aka Dave Einmo with Trent Moorman) gave an inspired performance at Cinespace on one of their last dates of a month-long cross-country tour. A multimedia-phile’s dream, the duo churned out lush indie soundscapes infused with bright blipping beats, packing the stage tight with an insane amount of gear – a sampler, some synths, guitars, a drum kit as well as an electronic drum setup – while playing against a large-screen backdrop fielding Super 8 projections of Dave’s old home movies (“Look!” he laughed early during the set, “You can see my dad’s butt right…. now!”). They also encouraged audience participation by handing out party poppers before their set. And though the room wasn’t exactly packed – the Steve Aoki-loving scenesters opted to dance to 50 Cent next door – the band gave a stellar performance to their small but enthusiastic crowd.

When a band actually gives a damn about their performance and their audience (they myspaced each one of their buddies with personalized messages inviting them to shows in their town), that means something to me. Something big. And that’s exactly what I anticipate Head Like a Kite to become. Something big, something genuine, and something inspiring in the music scene, not only as a dope-ass band, but as an example of what more artists should strive to be.

Head Like A Kite @ Cinespace

Head Like A Kite @ Cinespace

Head Like A Kite @ Cinespace