The Streets Are Afire! Someone! Take A Shitty Photograph With A Telephone!

As a non-subtle reminder Losanjealous constantly mines, sorts and processes the cruddiest cell phone photos ever taken, weekly, for your cheap enjoyment. Friday, the week’s most egregious is bestowed the honor CRAPTASTIC CELL PHONE PHOTO OF THE WEEK.

’fire!’Only together, denizens. Only together may we build the world’s largest repository of shitty cell phone photos documenting bizarre activities, places, vanity plates and creatures in Los Angeles.

This photo was taken last Thursday. First Street. Downtown. 11pm. Tonight, before you go to bed, remember Losanjealous and send us a few terrible photos from your phone device. Won’t you, please. You have no idea what you’re up against and you have nothing to lose. For one week and one week only Let’s Make History.