Blake's Phone: Special Tangentially Related To Thanksgiving And Even Then It's A Stretch Thanksgiving Edition

Blake’s Phone: Special Tangentially Related To Thanksgiving And Even Then It’s A Stretch Thanksgiving Edition

Every week Blake and readers just like him send me grainy, blurry, sometimes horribly-framed yet always interesting photos of life in Los Angeles as seen through the lenses of their trusted telephones. Every week, never fail. Join us now, won’t you, as we take a look at the next-to-last offering…From Blake’s Phone.

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving, denizens of Los Angeles. But wait! Did I read that intro correctly? THIS IS THE NEXT TO LAST INSTALLMENT OF BLAKE’S CRAPTASTIC CELL PHONE PHOTOS, EVER!? Yes. It is. So if ever you’ve wanted to share an incredibly terrible, foolish, interesting, or too-blurry-to-tell-what-the-fuck-it-is cell phone photo with our readers, now’s your chance. You have until next Friday (November 30) to submit. Right now let’s get into this week’s entries.


Radioactive Turkey
Approx 7:30PM, Beverly Blvd. & N. Detroit Street. (Just down the street from Starbucks on Detroit). November 13, 2007; Samsung A900M phone

After the jump: Blake Visits El Gran. El Gran Welcomes Tacos. Blake Finds Naughty Graffiti in Pasadena. Blake Hits The Black Dice show. Your Submission Instructions for THE WORLD’S LAST INSTALLMENT OF BLAKE’S PHONE…SOB…HOORAY…SOB…


El gran burro asks us to welcome tacos


El gran commandments


Happy thanksgiving from all of us here at the black dice


Penis graffiti pasadena

Have you been waiting all autumn to send in a craptastic cell phone photo for the readers of From Blake’s Phone? Bring it one last time. Bring it. For me. Send your photo to for consideration. Include date, time, and model of phone (if applicable).