Jeri Thompson, Trophy Wife of Fred Thompson, Bows Out Of First Lady Race

Jeri Thompson, Trophy Wife of Fred Thompson, Bows Out Of First Lady Race

Jeri (and Fred)LOSANJEALOUS:: (DEVELOPING) Jeri Thompson, trophy wife of former Senator Fred Thompson, best known for his role as District Attorney Arthur Branch on NBC’s “Law & Order”, has officially bowed out of the 2008 race to become First Lady of the White House of the United States of America, according to a report filed on the CNN news website Tuesday afternoon.

Recent google searches regarding the former First Lady Candidate have returned results 1 – 10 of about 205,000 for ’fred thompson’ ’trophy wife’.

After the jump: A topical look back at the campaign trail and the woman who will never become First Lady.

Jeri Thompson
Jeri does the “Speaking for Fred Thompson” thing in Birmingham.

Jeri Thompson
A musician supporter shows Jeri his “Kill the terrorists. Secure the borders. Punch the hippies. Fred Thompson 2008” T-shirt.

Jeri Thompson
Jeri speaks with Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell.

Jeri Thompson
Jeri with former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer.

Jeri Thompson
Jeri is interviewed by Charleston’s Live5 reporter Katie Crawford.

Jeri Thompson
Jeri meets with some young fans.

Jeri Thompson
Jeri delivers her remarks.

Fred Thompson
Fred Thompson, husband to Jeri Thompson, who will not become the First Lady.

All photos: Freddthompson on Flickr. Some Rights Reserved.