No Age at the Central Library Mark Taper Auditorium, April 20, 2008

No Age at the Central Library Mark Taper Auditorium, April 20, 2008


Never one to shy away from unconventional venues–witness last year’s performance at bacterial hotspot the LA River–No Age and roughly 250 music fans filled the inner sanctum of Downtown’s Central Library this past Sunday. It was all ages but everyone who got up early and waited in line was still carded. (Library cards that is… ha ha, yeah not funny, I know.) Anyway, fellow LA rockers Mika Miko started off the event with an array of inflatable accoutrements to foster a festive mood. They even carted out a trampoline front and center for the pogo-challenged, which I was tempted to use except for fear of falling and cracking my head on the edge of the stage. Of course the ladies of Mika Miko brought along their tele-mike (911: “How may I help you?”; Me: “Head trauma…”) There was a slight air of uncertainty to the show since No Age drummer Dean Spunt had sent the message a day earlier with the news that guitarist/co-vocalist Randy Randall had gotten terribly ill. Even though Randy could barely speak, he braved it out and the duo proceeded onward to shake the dust off the inhabiting book stacks throughout the edifice. The set was comprised mostly by the now familiar songs off their fantastic debut Weirdo Rippers. Randy and Dean also played a few tracks from their soon to be released follow up, Nouns (Sup Pop).

For those of you without Coachella plans, No Age will be performing an all ages show this Friday at the Ukranian Cultural Center along with Yeasayer, The Death Set and Free Blood.