3.0 Mag Earthquake in Santa Monica Bay Reminds Writer's Ass To Move Westward, Begin Shaking

3.0 Mag Earthquake in Santa Monica Bay Reminds Writer’s Ass To Move Westward, Begin Shaking

30 September 2008, 757pm: The 3.0 magnitude bump recently felt, by my ass, on the hardwood floor while halfheartedly watching the closing credits of a three-year-old episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” serves as a friendly, if not altogether unsettling, reminder: It is time for my ass to get my ass off of the floor and start making his way over to the Temple Bar for the venue’s closing party tonight. End of an era and all that. Hop to it, ass.

Image: USGS Caltech Seismic

» Temple Bar to Close End of Month