Pit Er Pat Returns to The Smell Tuesday (11/11)

Pit Er Pat Returns to The Smell Tuesday (11/11)

pit er patHEADS UP
Pit Er Pat @ The Smell Tues Nov 11

This has been on the calendar for some time now, but in case you’ve been snoozing I wanted to draw your attention to a great lineup this Tuesday: Excellent Thrilljockey noisemakers Pit Er Pat will play some tunes off their latest release and will also be joined by Hecuba, Lucky Dragons and PALMS down at the Smell. The whole evening should be sublime. Think about it, man. Not only will you have a chance to see a bunch of great bands, you’ll have a chance to be at the Smell at 11:11 on 11/11. You know what to do.

MP3: Evacuation Days” (Pit Er Pat, from the October 21 full-length High Time)

Myspace: Pit Er Pat | Hecuba | Lucky Dragons | PALMS

Did You Know?
Pit Er Pat drummer Butchy Fuego joined the Boredoms for both 77 Boadrum and 88 Boadrum during the last two years