Reader Picks: Best Album of 2008

Reader Picks: Best Album of 2008

best_albumWe come now to the best long-playing album release category. We’re looking for long releases here, but basically if it was released in 2008, it’s fair game. “Albums!” You say. “DRM-free mp3 or nothing!” Believe us, we hear you. Still, we’re a vinyl camp over here in the Sandalwood Conference Room of the Marina Del Rey Courtyard Marriott – always have been – and we really don’t see the long-playing concept ever dying, at some level. Suck it up and vote for an artist that took the time to string together an entire, hopefully cohesive package, one short track at a time.

As always, scour the list carefully before adding a new selection. We won’t be consolidating votes cast for multiple identical entries.

UPDATE, 12/31/08: Polls closed as of New Years Eve.
Happy New Year! Who won?
Results will be posted early 2009. Check back.