Official Blip Status: BLIPPING

Official Blip Status: BLIPPING

blipLately I’ve been passively experimenting with the website which is, from what I can tell, sort of an amalgam of twitter and seeqpod. You set up a Blip playlist, which people can subscribe to if they so choose. You are then urged to ’blip’ (aka tweet) some sage words at the time you ’blip’ (aka play) your song as a part of your playlist. Got all that? Interesting idea; user library could of course use some work but there are creative files and filenames to be found out there just the same (eg., “Besourus” = “Beatles”).

As of press time since 13 April 2009 the Losanjealous Blip has accumulated and/or doled out:

  • 6 props
  • 4 listeners
  • 22 credits
  • 34 Blips

That’s fine, just fine. So who’s a power blipper out there? Anyone? What the hell do I do with all these stats and credits, and how might I maximize my enjoyment of their website (and/or my own vis a vis their tool)? Please feel free to remit all tips, encouragement, C&Ds and hate mail to the official Losanjealous Blip account and/or Right now I’m the sole LJ broadcaster boasting a whopping 2.4 songs’ average output per day, but who’s to say you don’t end up with an hour from Victor, Sung or one of the gang, one of these days Yes La Verne I Am Staring Directly At You.

Give it a go and see what I’m doing right…or wrong. I’m off to research getting my own Sirius and Li’l Radio Shows, pronto.
