13 Tweets About One Rock Show Thing: The Virgins with Anya Marina and Lissy Trullie @ The El Rey, 5/21/09

13 Tweets About One Rock Show Thing: The Virgins with Anya Marina and Lissy Trullie @ The El Rey, 5/21/09

There’s no way to watch Anya Marina perform and not develop a devastating crush. She’s adorable and she rocks.

Saddened that I arrived so late I only caught two songs of Anya’s set, rendering exposure to crush material tragically brief.


Here’s Lissy Trullie visually, at 60 feet: Take Clare Danes and Kirsten Dunst at 19 and give her a guitar.

Vocally, take Chrissie Hynde, Karen O, and either Tegan or Sara. That could be completely wrong, but I’ve had two beers & no food.

Lissy’s version of “Ready for the Floor” is better than Hot Chip’s original. And it’s not particularly close.

On the topic of beer, Stellas at the El Rey are $9, an outrage worth picketing over. Meet me in front of the theater after the show

The house lights are dimmed, Randy Newman’s “I Love L.A” blaring, building cognitively dissonant anticipation for a Brooklyn band.

And here come The Virgins. The singer’s wearing a hooded raincoat on an indoor stage in a city with no rain.

Singer Cumming, though seemingly 15 yrs old, has dutifully studied his Jaggerisms; hands find hips often, strutting ensues

Bassist Nick, classically disco-trained, can groove the balls right off every dude on the dance floor.

Knowing The Virgins’ music was on an old Gossip Girl ep makes it impossible not to classify female attendees as Serenas and Blairs.

Finally, “Rich Girls.” Great hit song ratchets up crowd’s energy level 200 percent. Bass line I won’t get out of my head for days.


Can’t find anyone to join my $9 Stella protest post-show. Happy Serenas and Blairs just want to take their Chucks and Dans home.

Mark Lisanti s a writer living in Los Angeles. Catch more twitter insights over here.

» Anya Marina (myspace)
» Lissy Trullie (myspace)
» The Virgins (myspace)