Beck Hansen Interviews Tom Waits Re: Draining the Lakes of Los Angeles

Beck Hansen Interviews Tom Waits Re: Draining the Lakes of Los Angeles

bek1Fun new project over at fresh from the inbox this morning (hat tip, Sung). Below, Beck and Tom discuss LA’s netherwaters:

BH: I was born in the McArthur park area.

TW: You remember when they drained McArthur Park, the lake?

BH: I do, yeah…

TW: They found unbelievable things: Cars, human bones, weaponry.

BH: They should have done an exhibit.

TW: I don’t know why they didn’t. I thought that’s why they drained it.

BH: I’d always heard that when they drained the Echo Park Lake they found an amateur submarine.

TW: Oh, my God.

BH: I don’t know if that was lore.

TW: You mean a homemade submarine?

BH: Yeah, I think it was older too, from the early days of “home submarine building.” I don’t know if that subculture still exists?

TW: That was the East Kids. (source)

Two guys just sort of shooting the shit, causal-like. They go on to further discuss the origins of Beverly Hills, Red Cars, lightning bolts, the quintessential “LA Song” and all kinds of interesting junk. Best go check it out yourself. (Photo: Beck @ Outside Lands 2008 by Sung)

» Tom Waits x Beck Hansen, Part 1 (