Coffee Report: Caffe Luxxe, November 15, 2009

Coffee Report: Caffe Luxxe, November 15, 2009

LuxxeEstablishment: Caffe Luxxe.
Location: Montana Avenue, Santa Monica.
Date: Sunday, November 15, 2009.
Time: 3 pm-ish.
Beverage(s) consumed: Latte (2%).
Price: $3.75 + $1.00 tip (unacknowledged [paid w/ a fiver and a quarter felt too little.])
Service: Efficient and polite, if a bit cool.
Review: Smooth, rich, maybe a bit nutty on the coffee back end, maybe a bit too milky; overall, very good and well above average.
Luxxe Latte art: Rosetta pattern. (B+ – good for a latte, lines could have been a bit tighter.)
Crowd: Full house. Well-dressed business dudes talking excitably in Italian. Mandatory unshaven writer type guy staring at Macbook Pro front and center. Possible grad student with a bunch of academic type books against the wall. Couple gay dudes at the counter stools.
Overall visit score: 7.6/10.0