It's the Time of Year to Kiss My Bundt

It’s the Time of Year to Kiss My Bundt

CakesKiss My Bundt bakery on Third Street has written an open letter to the food blogosphere asking for help.

Due to the rising price of commodities (and, probably, stupidly ridiculous LA monthly rent), the bakery finds itself in grave danger. If this was just another local bakery I could care less, but Kiss My Bundt is not just another local bakery.

They sell bundts–-those cakes your aunt used to bring over to the house for no apparent reason. And they do them right. They come in all sizes and flavors.

Also, KMB is like the Costco of bakeries: free fucking samples! They won the 2008 myFoxLA best cupcake award, which, honestly, means nothing to me. But, more importantly, they won the 2009 Mike Birthday Dessert at Work Selection award, which, honestly, is the highest honor a bakery can receive.

As of yesterday, according to KMB’s Twitter they were a measly 200 bundts away from their goal. If you’re in the 3rd Street area this week, please do give them a visit. Maybe get some for your aunt and tell her this is how bundts are supposed to taste.

Kiss My Bundt Bakery
8104 W. 3rd Street