Losanjealous Will NOT Run the Gary Coleman Police Booking Mugshot

Losanjealous Will NOT Run the Gary Coleman Police Booking Mugshot

If, like us, you have a Google Alert set for all mentions of Gary Coleman, you no doubt read the story of his arrest in Utah making the rounds today with the accompanying unflattering booking photo.

However, Losanjealous will NOT be running the mugshot photo, so do not look for it here. It is widely available elsewhere and has been posted with no small amount of mockery and schadenfreude, in which we will not participate (Sample sneering from the Seattle PI article linked above: “Really, it’s the mug shot that makes this story worth posting. No word on if The Gooch was involved.”)

Below the jump, we choose instead to accompany this news story with an image of Mr. Coleman as he was when he was a star in his prime.

This, however, is not to say we condone domestic violence, the charge on which he was arrested. Whether it be be it little man on big woman or big woman on little man, or any other form, all violence is wrong.
