We Are Now Following on Twitter

We Are Now Following on Twitter

We are now following on twitter. We have had an account for some time now but, you know us, we tend to follow our own path so we do not really follow. But now, we are following somebody.

This week’s twitter follow winner is NORWOOD YOUNG. Congrats Norwood, we’re hanging on to your every 140 characters for seven full days and nights. We may agree with you on twitter. We may retweet one or more of your tweets; we may laugh-out-loud at your tweets, time and again.

To have Losanjealous follow you, simply follow and mention @losanjealous in one of your tweets this week. That will give you a chance at being followed by Losanjealous for seven whole days. That’s it; gotta run and check Norwood’s feed and respond appropriately if need be. Later.