Black Widow Crowned 'World Popcorn Champion...Of The World'

Black Widow Crowned ‘World Popcorn Champion…Of The World’

30-oz boxes backstageSonya “The Black Widow” Thomas continued her dually unstoppable winning and eating streaks today at Hollywood and Highland, earning the world popcorn title with 9.5 30-oz boxes of popcorn and two 30-oz boxes in double overtime at 1:00pm. She was pushed by #3-ranked eater Rich “The Locust” Lefevre into the second overtime, and was saved a third overtime by the grace of good judging.

As an official judge for this event, I can attest that it is a humbling experience to be in the presence of some of the greatest eaters and athletes in the world. As a promoter at this event, I can attest that it is even more humbling to wear a t-shirt shamelessy all over the stage in front of the MTV, KTLA, Fox and various other cameras. No press is bad press, right?

I’m still wiping Rich Lefevre’s popcorn residue off my cheeks (this one was messy), but when that’s done I’ll offer a full recap from a judge’s perspective. MTV may also host a webcast version soon (I’m not sure), so I’ll let you know if that becomes available.

A condensed version of the video is now available at MTV. Be amazed. Be disgusted. Be entertained!