The Last Great Hope of the Free World Debut at the Rainbow Room

The Last Great Hope of the Free World Debut at the Rainbow Room

Rainbow Room

It is fitting that on the same night in Hollywood while the Key Club drives another ironic nail through the heart of heavy metal with the Air Guitar Championships, just up the Strip at the Rainbow, that former clubhouse of the Metal ’80s, you will find a performance that is as un-metal as anything they have ever hosted.

Our friend alerts us:

The Last Great Hope of the Free World: Arabian-American Pop Band debut at the shithole that is The Rainbow Bar And Grill — Come at your Peril, Thursday 7.14 9pm $7

We bet this short set of songs that melds American and Arabic pop is guaranteed to provoke some kind of reaction, which is more than we usually get from our studied bland local acts (we’re looking at you, Spaceland residency bookers). Catch TLGHOTFW now, while you still can.