Ode to Wee Bear

Ode to Wee Bear

wee bear!From shiny package acrost’ the sea
Tokyo, ’twas said to be
I knew not yet your size nor strength
while nestled in your capsule-pill

Darrr-darararara, raaaaaa

I drew a bath one steamy night
The capsule fizzed to my delight
all spewing forth abubbly sight
Near shat my pants with oversight
The water then made yellowish bile
You hatched then, bear! A mir-a-c(i)le

Darrr-darararara, raaaaaa

The box was big, it promised size
An inch if that to my surprise
With “At” tattoo on chest emblazoned
I knew at once a kindred raisin

Darrr-darararara, raaaaaa

aw hell yeah,
bear, brick
comeforthy forth:
forth from your bathy capsule now now NOWNOWNOW