Henry's Tacos: Land of the Free, Home of the Taco Burger

Henry’s Tacos: Land of the Free, Home of the Taco Burger


On the corner of Tujunga and Moorpark sits a small and unassuming taco stand named Henry’s Tacos. The stand is busy and I use the wait time to scope what everyone is eating at the nearby tables. The menu is small, and it seems there is no favorite item in this crowd. I order through a small screen window [photo]–a taco burger with everything, a hard taco, a diet coke–and my food quickly slides out on a tray, all wrapped up in neat parcels of paper.

Henry’s Taco BurgerAt my table, I eagerly unwrap the taco burger first. Here, on a grease-stained piece of parchment paper, is the reason I love Southern California. This shotgun marriage of the United States and Mexico consists of seasoned ground beef, shredded lettuce, grated cheddar cheese, hot sauce and mustard on a soft hamburger bun. I fall in love at first bite.
The taco is more of that same ground beef, a slice of tomato, shredded lettuce and cheese in a yellow corn shell. It reminds me of grade-school lunch, somewhat comforting as I mull over Robert Blake blasting his wife a block south of here at Vitello’s.

Still riding high on my taco burger-inspired feeling of patriotism, I go up to the window to order more food. I get the homemade chili, a burrito and a tostado[sic]. It is at this time that I realize that the only meat offered on the menu is that same ground beef. The tostado [photo] is the sole vegetarian offering, but I am assured beef can be added upon request. The burrito is delicious, and packed with beans, rice and beef. The chili is bean-free and is terrific drizzled on top of the tostado, once again reinforcing the melting pot vibe here at Henry’s Tacos. For those who worry that the traditional foods offered here are no longer authentic let me remind you that fusion cuisine is the sum of two parts, the product being something new to appreciate.

I have decided that Henry’s Tacos, which has been serving up American pride since 1961, is a testament to the entire United States. To snub the taco burger is to spit on the foundation of our diverse heritage. For a mere $2.95, the cost of a taco burger with cheese, a sense of community is attained. And for just $17 more, you can announce to the world your love of ground beef and cultural diversity in the form of a Hanes Beefy-T shirt.

God Bless the Taco Burger!

Henry’s Tacos
11401 Moorpark St
North Hollywood, CA 91602
(818) 769-0343

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