An Interview with The Man in the Concrete

An Interview with The Man in the Concrete

the man in the concrete

Sitting just outside the federal building downtown, where masses of recent immigrants huddle to breathe free, is a much-loved Los Angeles landmark. Borne of a cracked sidewalk, lovingly poured in asphalt and welcoming us with open arms is The Man in the Concrete.

LJ: Good morning, Man in the Concrete. How are you doing?


LJ: Great to hear. Does it hurt when large men step on your face?


LJ: Huh. I wouldn’t have thought that. And birds?


LJ: Oh God.


LJ: Well, that’s all the time we have. Thanks for stopping by. No, please, don’t get up.

Dan Evans isn’t only your favorite mid-level bureaucrat, he’s also a damn fine Los Angeles Wedding Photographer. Check out his work at