Beck Secret Show Ticket Information

Beck Secret Show Ticket Information

The InformationThe Information:

w/ Wounded Cougar
Tuesday, September 26
@ Element, 1642 N. Las Palmas, Hollywood
6PM Doors / 7PM Show / ALL AGES

UPDATE: Of course this has since sold out. Hope you manged to get your tickets.

UPDATE 2: Ladies, a gentleman reader sends along his Craigslist ad. We re-post it below as a public service. Of course, we take no responsibility for any untoward events that may result from your response to the ad.

who wants to go see beck tomorrow at element? – 29

Reply to:
Date: 2006-09-25, 11:17PM PDT

so….here’s the deal.

i bought two tickets for the beck show tomorrow night in hollywood. tickets went on sale today and sold out immediately. my original intention was to bring my friend as a gift, but he cant make it, so now i’ve go three choices:

a) sell the ticket (people are asking as much as $150 a ticket here on craigslist)
b) bring another friend
c) find an attractive, interesting, single girl, who’s into beck and interested in checking out the show with me

now for the disclaimer…
if i’m going to choose option c its going to have to be with someone who is honestly open to the possibilty of doing things in the future in a similar capacity. you know checking out shows, exhibits, openings, restaraunts, bars, festivals, and various other cool happenings around the city. obviously if we don’t hit it off, that’s not going to happen, but that potential has to be there. ideally this person will consider themself attractive, stylish yet unpretentious, openminded, and aware of and engaged by what is going on around them.

oh yeah.. a little about me. physically, im about 6’ tall with a shaved head, brown eyes and semi-obnoxious facial hair. i’m in above-average shape and consider myself pretty damn sexy. personaliity wise i’m the easy going, go-with-the-flow type. i’m not going to talk your ear off, but i’ve got a take on just about everything if you ask. i’ve got my own place in silverlake and a decent job with a small company on the westside. my interests include all things (counter)culture, exploring the city as well as the depths of the mind, and jack daniels, among other things. musically i’m into a wide variety of styles as long as it’s not some spoon-fed pop garbage (mtv, top 40, former american idol contestants, etc). lately besides beck i’ve been listening to bjm, silversun pickups, and various dance-type stuff like css, miss kitten, MSTRKRFT, etc.

so here’s where you come in…
if you are in the very least moderately interested and able to meet up in hollywood around 7:30ish pm, write me a little somethin-somethin about yourself and include a picture or myspace link. come on. be open and honest and engage my interest. where’s that cool chick that’s up for this? make my decision easy.

i’m going to decide by tomorrow (tuesday) early afternoon. so, what’s it going to be?: make some money, make a friend happy, or meet up and have a good time with you

this is in or around silverlake