Mac & Cheese Casefile #732781a: The Kitchen

Mac & Cheese Casefile #732781a: The Kitchen

Culinary Musings by Mac and Cheese Mairi’ve heard good things about the kitchen, for their food in general and their mac and cheese. i went there twice to verify my food findings, and twice i was disappointed in the mac and cheese, but their other food was good.

their mac and cheese tasted more like macaroni with garlic, there was a faint hint of cheese. i prefer mac and cheese that is baked but still swimming in cheese sauce, the burned bread crumb topping is also a nice touch. the kitchen’s mac and cheese was on the dry side and not swimming in a creamy cheese sauce. i wonder if this could be expected because it is considered a starter and not a main dish.

others ordered the fried chicken, turkey burger with bacon and salmon with sauteed spinach that has huge chunks of garlic in in [photo]. the the kitchenkitchen should be renamed “the garlic” for their overusage. the fried chicken was a healthier version of the classic dish, instead of chicken on the bone they used a chicken breast. the turkery burger was decent and the added bacon made it more flavorful. the fish was also good but the huge chunks of garlic came as a surprise to us.

overall i would go back to the kitchen because it is a small neighborhood spot where i can find healthier versions of comfort dishes. but i will not order the mac and cheese there. the service was good and i haven’t had to wait for a table there. they open at not mac and cheese5pm for dinner and they have a small parking lot as well as ample residential parking spots.

on a side note, a friend whose initials are kp found the violet baked macaroni recipe. it is very simple and i made it twice and both times it turned out very well, identical to the restaurant. i will no longer be patronizing violet because their secret was uncovered. but violet’s approach to mac and cheese is still something i regard as the best of LA.

The Kitchen
4348 Fountain Ave at Sunset
(323) 664-3663
Photo of Mac and Cheese [Not Condoned]