Name That Cock for the Klaxons

Name That Cock for the Klaxons

name that cock!Choices:

  • Cock In The Sky at Superior Poultry (Chinatown)
  • Cock In The Sky at 3rd and La Cienega
  • Cock In The Sky at the Silverlake/Virgil/Temple/Beverly Mindfuck
  • Real Cock In The Sky at the Ghetto Zoo in New Braunfels, TX (SXSW!)
  • Another Real Cock In The Sky at the Ghetto Zoo in New Braunfels, TX

Task: Tell me which is which in the comment section. One of the correct entries (assuming there are any) will be randomly drawn to win the new Klaxons CD courtesy Geffen Records (album drops 3/27). This contest closes Monday at midnight.