From Blake's Phone: Toenails, Mayhem After Hours, Ducks Galore

From Blake’s Phone: Toenails, Mayhem After Hours, Ducks Galore

Every week Blake and readers just like him send me grainy, blurry, sometimes horribly-framed yet always interesting photos of life in Los Angeles as seen through the lenses of their trusted telephones. Every week, never fail. Join us now, won’t you, as we take a look at the latest offerings…From Blake’s Phone.

This week: Fellow Pico fetishist Picoandtheman finds an uneasy peace with herself at the local pedicurist; Blake uncovers nighttime red line mayhem, an unnamed source submits an inordinate number of duck photos. Won’t you fucking join us now. Even you, godoggo, cap’n grouchypants.


I couldn’t resist proof of what we all know every nail lady in town is thinking: “If you could read my mind you wouldn’t be here” on my Treo 650. (read more)

After the jump: More phone-enabled digitally preserved moments and your submission instructions.


Subway station and shopping cart


Mickey’s and the night

Damn me. I do love Blake’s sensibilities. AND NOW FOR A VERY SPECIAL DUCKBREAK . . .


Santa Monica, I like this park. There are always an assload of ducks. And kids. And lawn games with old people in white, and a shit-ton of homeless. A well-rounded park for the most part. Beware: the ducks shit.




Have a craptastic cell phone photo that simply must be shared with the readers of From Blake’s Phone? Bring it. Send your photo to for consideration. Include date, time, and model of phone (if applicable).