Gogol Bordello @ Mayan Theatre, 10/25/07

Gogol Bordello @ Mayan Theatre, 10/25/07

gogol bordello @ mayan theatre, 10/25/07

Chaos and debauchery amidst a political-social-cultural gathering.
Setlist after the jump.

gogol bordello @ mayan theatre, 10/25/07

gogol bordello @ mayan theatre, 10/25/07

gogol bordello @ mayan theatre, 10/25/07

gogol bordello @ mayan theatre, 10/25/07

gogol bordello @ mayan theatre, 10/25/07

Not A Crime
East Infection
Bible (?)
Wonderlust King
Tribal Connection
Dub The Frequencies of Love
60 Revolutions
American Wedding
I Would Never Wanna Be Young Again
Start Wearing Purple
Think Locally Fuck Globally
Forces of Victory
Immigrant Punk
Harem In Tuscany (Taranta)
Baro Foro

gogol bordello @ mayan theatre, 10/25/07

gogol bordello @ mayan theatre, 10/25/07