Seriously--What The Fuck Is Up With The Gas Prices?

Seriously–What The Fuck Is Up With The Gas Prices?



70 clams to put a tiger in my tank? Are you fucking kidding me? Can someone get on this STAT? Thanks.


VOO-yah-chich Wedding Present

–Note to ABC NBA Finals broadcasters: It’s pronounced “VOO-ya-chich” See: “Official ’How Do You Pronounce Vujacic’ Thread”.

–Why aren’t bloggers all over the excellent new Albini-recorded Wedding Present album, El Rey? Best Weddoes LP in about a decade and better than about 75% of 2008’s releases thus far. It has an LA connection to boot–Gedge wrote these tunes while living here.


Jack Johnson @ UCLA Intramural Field Sun 8/31

Tickets on sale Saturday 6/21 10 am.

Losanjealous Fun Fact: The above J.J. image is indexed on the Losanjealous server as “Ron’s Favorite” for easy access.