Behold Catchup Week 2008

Behold Catchup Week 2008

catchupLOSANJEALOUS (Losanjealous):: The week begins. The economy is in the shitter, and Congress is flushing. Palin parties are being scheduled all over town for Thursday: Alaskan beer, Delaware lump crab dip for the crackers, shits and giggles all around. The University of Oklahoma remains undefeated. (Sorry USC.) The cards are being dealt in Commerce, the hybrid tomato vines show no sign of slowing their annual yield, the City of Industry now contains industries with an autumnal color palette. And over at some local music-and-culture blog by the name of Losanjealous, we take a look into the past – something we rarely do – and pull three dusty names from the vault, engage in conversation and, for lack of a more appropriate criminally overused phrase, play catchup. The names in question are:

  • Mair
  • NoSmell Bob
  • Ron

The aforementioned names may ignite a smattering of recognition sparks for the longtime reader. But if you’ve been reading this website for less than a year, you likely have no idea who in the hell these people are and what their roles in the Losanjealous universe as we know it may be. Goddammit. It is my job to change all that this week. Stick around.