Best Concert 2008: Aziz Has Officially Upped The Ante

Best Concert 2008: Aziz Has Officially Upped The Ante

aziz vs thomOh, it’s on. Aziz is calling out Thom on his blog! Last year after everything shook out, the official battle was between Daft Punk and Muse. This year? Aziz and Radiohead … or will it be Mars Volta? Or maybe even Megapuss (Devendra, Greg, Fab…and…wait for it…AZIZ) (also on the ballot)!? Finally, let us not be so quick to discount David Liebe Hart @ Hollywood Bowl, pulling a respectable 44 votes at press time.

Vote, people. Vote once now, twice after work, once during the rain-suffused commute home (only while stopped, please, unless you’re on a bus or walking) and 86 times this evening. It is your right. It is your responsibility. Go vote.

(UPDATE: Second call-out!)