To Do Thursday: The Long Lost (Alfred & Laura) @ Dakota Lounge

To Do Thursday: The Long Lost (Alfred & Laura) @ Dakota Lounge

The Long Lost @ Dakota Lounge, Santa Monica Thu Jan 15

The Long Lost
(Alfred “Daedelus” Darlington and Laura Darlington) are playing tonight in a somewhat rare appearance at the Dakota Lounge in Santa Monica (née Temple Bar, RIP). A couple of us caught Alfred rocking the monome solo @ NHM last night (Flight o’ the Conchords new season screening, thanks HBO!), but this vibe he does with his wife is totally different and always great (read: killer melodies, less-intrusive looping, more Jobim-inspired classical bossa, breathy vox by Laura dribbled liberally on top). I still am hesitant to believe their claims that a ninja tune long-playing album exists, has been released and/or will be released, and as such will cling to my KPFK Carlos Niño spaceways circa 2001-2002 cassette tapes for as long as need be. (UPDATE: Scratch that; the latest rumor is a March 2009 CD/LP release, according to one of my favorite retailers. Mum’s the word over @ the label; however, you can buy two tracks (& two Flying Lotus remixes) from the recent 12″ at iTunes here. Got all that?) Finally, don’t forget that Daedelus will be collaborating with dancers in Santa Monica this Sunday shortly before jetting off to play some festival in Australia.

Photo: Daedelus’ (Alfred’s) hands channeling monome @ Brainfeeder, Echoplex by Sung

» The Long Lost (myspace)
» Official Site (tons of info)


Alfred’s most recent Halloween costume by Sung