Fucked Up @ Fucked Up: Echoplex, February 6, 2009

Fucked Up @ Fucked Up: Echoplex, February 6, 2009

fucked up, echoplex, february 6, 2009

I was warned that if I went see Fucked Up at the Echoplex, large male nudity would be on the menu. I figured it couldn’t get any worse than Har Mar or Tim from Les Savy Fav, so I was game. I was ready for the skin show, but not so much for the trip back to high school. Circle pits, a male dominated crowd, and more pairs of converse than you can count. The night was even complete with a teenage couple that continuously made out next to me, no matter what band was playing. Who needs a high school reunion with a night like this!

Simply put, this was a really good punk show and it’s been awhile since I’ve been to one of those. I walked in just in time for Trash Talk. Although I had no interest in the pit, and was very anxious about anyone spilling my overpriced beer, I will say that Trash Talk was loud and intense and engaging without making you question their sincerity. Mika Miko then did their thing, which although I’ve seen too many times to count, was still fantastic. They scream and sass and manage to come across as having a great time without really caring if you are, which makes you eat it up more. Plus the lead singer sings into a phone, which still amuses me to this day.

So after two entertaining bands and several beers, I almost forgot why I was at the show in the first place, Fucked Up. . I’m not sure if I just expected the lead singer to bound on stage wearing a Baby New Year ensemble or what, but I will admit I was slightly disappointed when he started the set wearing actual clothes. Clothes or not, the band brought it. Halfway through the set, a friend of mine whispered “He’s like if Tony Soprano and Andrew WK mated” which is disgusting to picture, but couldn’t be closer to the truth. After a few songs, clothes were removed and except for a pair a slouchy boxes, Nudity was finally served. I must say that it really felt like he was getting naked more to keep his body core temperature down and less as shock value which made him even more endearing.

You really can’t asking anything more from a show than feeling like you are 17 again, except this time with a better haircut and more beer. Hurrah!

Photos by CassMonster

» Fucked Up @ Fuck Yeah Five (Say that five times fast!)