Last-Minute Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

mcd_boxSo right now you are probably wondering what to get your significant other for Valentine’s Day. Roses and candy might work for some, but if I was your sweetheart, I’d ask for one of the following:

  1. A kegerator
  2. The Murder City Devils Feather Bed Whiskey Blanket Box Set. Apparently this limited edition bad boy is only available on their February 2009 tour. You get all four LP’s reissued on white vinyl, plus stencils, photos, posters, and each set has a hand painted number. Completists and elitists, eat your heart out.

Lucky for us, The Murder City Devils will be in town next week, Feb. 17th and 18th at the Music Box. You really should already have your tickets, but if you slept on this, although their website is saying sold out I just ran a search on Ticketmaster and there may be a few remaining tickets left. (You can also try to win the box set at

So, yes: Maybe the concert comes too late for a Valentine’s Day gift, but you can always make your sweetie an homemade IOU with Spencer Moody’s face on it. Just don’t make one of those coupon books with “good for one foot rub” or “redeemable for a hug”. Those are creepy.