Chihuahuas to Riverside Cougar: Size Doesn't Matter

Chihuahuas to Riverside Cougar: Size Doesn’t Matter

cougMy favorite story this morning has nothing to do with the group of dignified fans who torched a few Staples-adjacent blocks, stole shoes and bashed some cars for good measure, following last night’s Lakers victory:

The chihuahuas, which weigh about three pounds each, had cornered the mountain lion. She says the big cat appeared to be angry and began hissing at her and foaming at the mouth.

Spray quickly called 911 and then grabbed her video camera to record a few pictures of the cornered cougar.

The pint-sized puppies refused to back off, and kept barking for about 45 minutes until two Riverside County Sheriff’s deputies arrived at Spray’s home in the 3900 block of San Ignacio Road.

“When they saw the dogs they said `These little things?’ When they saw the mountain lion their jaws dropped,” Spray said. “They radioed, `This is a full-size mountain lion and it is not happy to see us.’ ” (source)

» Chihuahuas Confront Cougar in SoCal Garage (KTLA)