And Tara Lipinski has WHAT to do with the Dodgers?

And Tara Lipinski has WHAT to do with the Dodgers?


I’ve seen plenty of puzzling billboards and advertising in LA. They’re usually viral marketing of some sort for an upcoming film. This one has me truly stumped, though.

Tara Lipinski (looking somewhat like a cross between Shakira and Shawn Johnson in this one) looms stories high above the 10 freeway sans any sort of Dodger t-shirt, cap or giant foam finger on a Dodgertown billboard stating “This is my town”. A pair of ice skates is thrown in for good measure, because…you know… LA is an ice skating kind of town.

Last I checked, Tara was born in Philly, grew up in New Jersey and Texas and finally moved to Detroit where she trained for the Olympics.

This seems like an image more suited for a Wheaties box 10 years ago than a Dodgers billboard. I’m grasping at straws trying to come up with a connection. A quick survey of friends, family and RYAN yielded these equally unlikely guesses and cynical replies:

  • She’s dating a player
  • Michelle Kwan who SHOULD have been on the billboard wouldn’t do it
  • It makes no sense
  • They’re trying to get more Dodger Fans to skate in Pershing Square
  • Tonya Harding’s next
  • They had to cover up the Manny billboard and this was the only celebrity photo available on a Creative Commons license. The skates were clip art.
  • She wrote a column for the LA Times about Ice Skating so of course it makes sense that she’s on a Dodgers billboard.
  • She threw out the ceremonial pitch at a Dodgers game in 2007 so of course she should be on a Dodgers billboard (along with Anil Kapur, the fire chief of Pasadena and Adam Carolla).
  • Her agent has some filthy photos of Frank McCourt.